
Investing with Borrowed Money

Investing with Borrowed Money: The Benefits and Risks of Debt Recycling

Debt recycling, also known as debt recycling strategy or debt recycling plan, is a financial technique that allows individuals to invest with borrowed money. By utilizing this strategy, investors aim to maximize their investment returns and potentially reduce their tax liabilities. However, as with any financial strategy, there are both benefits and risks associated with […]

Debt Recycling

Debt Reduction Strategies: How Debt Recycling Can Help You Pay Off Loans Faster

In today’s society, many individuals find themselves burdened with various types of debts, ranging from student loans and credit card debt to mortgages and car loans. Paying off these debts can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. However, there are numerous debt reduction strategies that can help you regain control […]

My Favorite Funny Financial Quotes

If you’ve ever called me and reached my voice mail, you know I love to record funny financial quotes. I hate boring voice mail messages so I try to spice mine up a bit! Here are some of my all-time favorites: 1. The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than […]

5 Super Simple Ways to Automate Your Savings

In my article The Big Simple Secret to Saving More, I revealed a secret way to save more. The big secret…automate savings. It may sound simple, but I also wanted to follow up and talk about the “how” part of savings automation. So here are a few helpful ways to automate and ultimately save more moolah: […]

The Economy: Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Well with half of 2012 over, the economy didn’t really improve or get that much worse. You can’t argue that we are in full recover, nor sliding down the tubes to another recession. It really is quite frustrating. Very recently, most of the economic news has not been positive. So here’s a recap of the […]

Show Me the Money: Don’t Pass on Your Employer’s Match

In the world of retirement planning, there’s a golden rule that every savvy investor knows: never leave money on the table. And when it comes to your employer-sponsored 401(k) plan, that rule couldn’t be more relevant. Maximizing Your Benefits Your 401(k) plan isn’t just a retirement savings account – it’s a powerful wealth-building tool that […]

My Bonds Will Do What When Interest Rates Go Up?

Most investors own bonds in their portfolios. We buy them for safety and to diversify our portfolios. More and more we are starting to hear about rising interest rates. Some of you may be wondering what will happen to my bonds when interest rates go up? The answer is pretty simple. It doesn’t matter if they […]

How to Ride the Irregular Income Roller Coaster

Irregular income can be a real roller coaster! Especially if your are self-employed. I’ll admit, that uneven paycheck ride sickened me a few times in the early years of running my business. If you’re self-employed then you likely have irregular income. Let’s face it, budgeting sucks. So here are a few creative ideas on budgeting when […]

7 Good Financial Habits to Teach Your Children

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m not too good with money, how can I teach my kids?” That’s a good question. You may not be good with money yourself, but you do know some basics that you’ve heard again and again. I’m going to share a list of good financial habits to instill in your kids and yourself. Here is […]